We are different in how we have approached swimming in the past.
Many of us were thrown in as a child as a ‘sink or swim’ approach or fallen in!
Some have just been brought up to dislike water and scared of water because our parents have been scared.
Some have been fortunate and liked swimming and have thrived in water.
We are all different and what one person finds hard in one sport, many may find easy in another.
Differences are good and is what makes us an individual.
Swimming is a hard sport to accept, as we have to swim in water which as adults know can be dangerous. This is always in the forefront of our mind as adults.
Most children do not understand the dangers and so they do not always think about this as much as adults will. The only time a child will think about this is if the child has been scared by the adult, usually because the adult does not swim or does not like the water.
I approach the teaching of adults in a varied form of teaching basics skills like walking in water, standing up in the water , learning to float, learning to push and glide, opening our eyes in the water, using goggles, and then I start to teach you how to swim.
For some it takes longer than others – again I re – iterate this is normal.
The main aspect of swimming is being calm and measured when learning and taking the time you need to learn.